women's Health

Women and men have many of the same health problems, but they can affect women differently. For example, women may have different symptoms of heart disease. Some diseases or conditions are more common in women, such as osteoarthritis, obesity and depression. And some conditions, such as menopause and pregancy, are unique to women.Women sometimes neglect their own health and focus instead on their partner's and their children's. Take care of yourself first:
1.Plan for pregnancies
and see your healthcare provider regularly while you are pregnant
2.Have regular mammograms

3.Get regular checkups and screenings. Early detection is important for treating breast, cervical, uterine and ovarian cancer.

Flexibility Matter

You’d think the weekend would be the perfect time to get agood solid workout in— when you’re not rushing through to get to work on time,or to get home to dinner. But sometime between Friday night, when I tend to makea to-do list for the weekend, and Sunday night, I usually realize I’ve beenoverly ambitious in my planning and something has to give.FACT: In the past, the gym was one of the first “to dos” toget chucked

Getting and Staying Healthy

This free e-course is designed to help you to get healthy and stay healthy in only 6 weeks. The Healthy Woman Workshop lessons address women's health issues including health mistakes women often make, having Pap smears, GYN exams, disease prevention, breast health, exercise, dieting, nutrition, heart health, and sexuality, and birth control issues
What to Know About Cervical Polyps
Cervical polyps are small, finger-like, projections that grow from the surface of the cervix or the end of cervical canal. These fragile growths hang from a stalk, pushing though the cervical . While the cause of cervical polyps is not clear, there may be an association with chronic cervical inflammation, clogged cervical blood vessels, or an abnormal response to increased levels of estrogen. Learn more about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of cervical polyps.

Menstrual Cycle Disorders

The menstrual cycle occurs predictably and without problems. However, when things don’t go right. when you experience heavy or excessive bleeding, when your period doesn’t occur when expected, when you have physical or emotional symptoms during the weeks before you menstruation or when you experience painful periods or other symptoms. you may have a menstrual cycle disorder. Menstrual disorders include several types of abnormal uterine bleeding, PMS, and cramps or dysmenorrhea. Most girls and women experience the symptoms of menstrual disorders  at some point during their reproductive years.